
2010年9月23日 星期四


今天我和JD在聊美國新釋出的社區 Barnacle Bay。

聊一聊我就問他可不可以使用9月份的 SEPT15OFF 的折扣代碼。

於是乎,我上網寫一寫突然他們說可以做 Live Chat。
以下就是我和服務人員 Nick 的對話。

Nick: Hi, my name is Nick. How may I help you?

Amy Lin: Hi, Nick,Amy Lin: I'm wondering if the discount code of SEPT15OFF only works for American players.

          我想問那個 SEPT15OFF的折扣代碼只有美國玩家可以使用嗎

          我住在台灣。九月份買了兩次 Simpoints。可是兩次都無法使用。
Nick: OkayNick: Can you give me the momentAmy Lin: no problemNick: Yes Amy Lin: Yes what?Nick: I get the information that currently there is some issue with the discount code


Nick: so its not working


Nick: Our developers are currently working on it
Amy Lin: So would I get discount after

          那我以後可以得到這15%的折扣嗎?Nick: Yes

       是的! (灑花)
Amy Lin: Thank youAmy Lin: One more thing. Nick: Yes pleaseAmy Lin: my friend and I have noticed that there's not much update at the website,

Amy Lin: when we get on the office website of the sims 3, we are taken to Taiwan site.

Amy Lin: But, it's usually renewed much slower than the American or other country's

Amy Lin: Can you ask them to update the site at the same time too... Just a suggestion.

          你能不能請他們也幫台灣的網站同時更新呢?  只是個建議。
Nick: 1 minuteAmy Lin: ThanksNick: I am escalating this issue to senior support

Nick: They would inform you about this

Amy Lin: thank you very much.Amy Lin: Thank you. that's all now. If I have more questions. I will call again. :D

          (其實我是開玩笑的啦! 因為不知道怎麼跟他說我問完了。 以下就是些客套話。不翻譯了。)Nick: If you want to contact us by calling then you can call 650-628-1001, this service is available between 8AM PST till 5PM PST. If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.Nick: You would receive the email Amy Lin: Thank you. :DNick: from our senior supportNick: It was my pleasure that I get chance to assist you.Nick: Bye and take care ^^Amy Lin: See ya. :D

其實這是我第二次使用 Live Chat。但是不是每次都有用。

7 則留言:

  1. 這個應該列入廣告不實吧!!!好糟糕的代碼
    [版主回覆09/25/2010 22:55:19]<p>哈! 對啊! 我那時候就是試了好多次,都不行。</p>
    <p>氣到才去問的! 如果有問題應該要說明吧!</p>
    <p>為什麼都不說明! 真是的!!</p>

  2. <p>我也是經常在 ea store 買物品的... 我有下載過, 但是, 我在 purchase hirstory 裡找不到車子的檔案, 只找到河景... 我懷疑原因是因為我之前有儲存了朋友給我的官方物品檔案... 因為我發現, 如果朋友以前給我的官方檔案, 跟我買回來的檔案是一樣(即是同一件物件) 便會無法在遊戲中顯示了... 有一套運動裝和長裙也是一樣, 我用 simspoint 買回來後, 安裝了也是沒辨法顯示出來...</p>

  3. yeah, i bought TWICE in Sept!!!!!! <img src=""/><br><br>give my money back, darn EA!!!!!! <img src=""/><br>
    [版主回覆09/27/2010 15:36:59]Ha, I bought twice in September too.<br><br>Maybe you should ask them about this too.<br>You might have an even more firm answer from them about refunding the 15% back to us.<br>All I got is an Yes, maybe you can have them telling you.<br>How they are going to give us back that 15%!!<br>Don&#39;t get mad! <img src=""/><br>

  4. 我前幾天買了4000點才發現不能用折扣代碼<br>現在看了你的訊息<br>祈禱ea會退錢或是至少折換成等值點數給我<br><br>

  5. Amy姐:我又來了這次呢?我知道問題出在哪.我沒有安裝Mods拉所以當然沒有頭髮.我知道官方有.MODS可以下載但是偏偏我帳密忘記好不容易註冊好說也找到很多髮型的網站都是免費的..現在我好苦惱就剩Mods了.我知道妳可能只有用內建但姐姐不知道會不會下載物件.所以我只好求救妳.因為我身旁的朋友都沒有玩.我只好一直問.我知道我很煩拉..可是人不是都要經過學習的嗎?去過巴哈.也有厲害的大大給我MOD下載.可是就有毒阿.他有用到巴哈...可能是防毒一些程式才會攔截.我重灌電腦有翻譯的功能.但是.翻的不夠好.例如我打錯密碼我滑鼠點掃過去也沒翻譯.也是要我複製再去字典查.所以只好求助姐姐!!!!!!!

  6. 冠忠巴士(T.W.P)黃梓濠2010年10月1日 凌晨2:31

    <p>This Is News Visitor.</p>

  7. 冠忠巴士(T.W.P)黃梓濠2010年10月10日 凌晨1:15

