2009年6月17日 星期三
IGN 的一些bug 和解決方法的翻譯
我在 買了一本Prima Guide for the Sims 3
前兩天收到了,我本來想說大小是大約A5紙張的大小,但是其實收到是 A4的大小。
而且印刷精美呢! 裡面還送了一張 Sunset Valley 的地圖。
伊娃妮是在 Play-Asia買的。
The Sims 3 Bug Report
BUG A neighbor comes over to visit, then leaves and steals the active family's baby.
問題: 鄰居來訪,回家時帶走了家裡的小嬰兒。
SOLUTION If a Sim is holding a baby and you ask them to leave, they will more than likely leave with the baby, and it will be removed from your family. Be sure to take your baby back before kicking them out of the house by interacting with the baby.
解決方式: 你要求來訪的小人離開家裡時正抱著家裡的嬰兒,他們大部分都會將嬰兒一起抱走。所以在你要求小人離開前,最好要和嬰兒做互動以確保抱回嬰兒。在要求小人離開。
BUG Two of my Sims got married. One Sim had a bunch of money, and moved into her new husband's house… but now her money is gone!
問題: 我的兩個小人結婚了。一個小人很有錢,但是當她搬進先生家時,錢就不見了。
SOLUTION When two Sims get married, their bank accounts do not always wholly combine. There is currently no workaround for this short of avoiding marriage entirely. All I can recommend is to have the poorer Sim be drawn into the richer Sim's household so there is minimal loss.
解決方式: 當小人結婚時,他們的錢並不會總是加在一起。現在並沒有辦法能夠避免這個問題的解決方法,除非小人不結婚。唯一能夠建議的是讓小人搬進到比較有錢的那個小人家,才能減少損失!
BUG Family bills keep rising when I don't buy anything new.
問題: 家裡的帳單越來越高,可是我並沒有買新東西。
SOLUTION No fix currently. It seems that all objects on your lot work against your bills, so if a friend parks their car in your driveway, it works against your bills. More commonly, it seems your bills are partly based on how much money you have in your bank account, so if you suddenly get a quick influx of money—say, from a promotion—your bills may jump a little more quickly than you realize. This may or may not be a bug, but it's something to be aware of.
解決方式: 目前沒有解決方法。現在看起來所有在你的房子上的東西都會增加你的帳單,所以如果你的朋友將他們的車子停在你的車庫哩,也會增加你的帳單。而且呢! 帳單還會根據你在銀行有多少錢,所以如果你的小人突然間增加了很多錢,如升職加薪,你的帳單將會漲的比你想像中的快。這可能也可能不是bug,但是你是要 注意的事。
BUG My Sim owned a business and other items in his backpack, but he doesn't anymore. I didn't sell anything, so what happened to it all?
問題: 我的小人的背包裡有物品和商店的擁有權狀,但是現在都不見了。我沒有賣東西啊! 到底怎麼了?
SOLUTION If you switch your active family, most of your Sims' inventory items will vanish. That can include deeds to businesses as well. Before switching families, be sure to empty all inventories into the house, even if you have to make a little one-off room.
解決方式: 如果你在同一個存檔中換一個家庭玩,小人背包裡的大部分的東西都會不見喔! 這當然也包含所有權狀。所以在換家庭玩前,記得先將背包的物品都放在房子裡面,(就是不要放在包包裡)。
BUG My Sim isn't dying from old age, even though he's older than the lifespan.
問題: 我的小人老了也沒有死,但是他的生命已經超過了設定的時間。
SOLUTION This is actually by design. The lifespan of a Sim, set in the options menu, is a minimum, rather than a hard number. By default, the lifespan of a Sim is 90 days; that means the Sim will live a minimum of 90 days (provided no disasters befall him of course). Some actions in the game can lengthen lifespan, so it's not impossible to see a Sim live to around 110 days even if his lifespan is only 90.
解決方式: 這個其實是遊戲的設計。小人的生命週期是在"選項"中可以設定,這是個最少的"日數"並不是一個一定的數字。如果是依照遊戲設定,小人的生命週期是90 天,這表示小人最少可以活90天。(當然如果有不幸的事情發生就是另當別論了。)但是有些玩家的作為可以讓小人活更久,所以可能會看到小人活了110天, 雖然設定是90天喔!
BUG After switching active families several times rapidly, the game doesn't update the family member selection part of the interface, so I can't select my active family members.
問題: 在同一個社區換家庭玩幾次之後,遊戲就不再出現可選擇"玩的家庭"的家庭成員。(就是不能將人搬到另一個家庭,然後玩那邊!)
SOLUTION Simply go back to the main menu, and be sure to save. When you come back into the neighborhood, the game will have updated the interface correctly.
解決方法: 回主選單,然後一定要儲存。當你回到社區時應該又可以恢復正常了。
BUG I assigned my Sim a personality trait when he aged up, but it didn't appear.
問題: 我給我的小人一個人格特性,但是當她長大時,並沒有出現。
SOLUTION I haven't personally experienced this aside from when children age up to teens, but it's been reported that it strikes other age changes as well. I've never seen this happen when Sims are aged up through birthday cakes, so a possible workaround is to just ensure you always give your Sims birthday parties. If your teens or children are hit with the bug, you could wait until they hit the next age, and the traits may correct themselves. If you're struck with the bug, there are two ways to fix it. If you're uncomfortable with cheating, then you can spend 20,000 Lifetime Happiness Points to get the Mid-Life Crisis lifetime reward. You can only do this once the Sim hits adulthood. If you're okay with cheating, the first thing you need to do is bring up the cheat console with CTRL + SHIFT + C. Then, type the cheat "testingCheatsEnabled on" (without quotes, but notice the space in there) to unlock some special commands. Now, hold SHIFT and left-click the Sim you want to alter. A pie menu will come up with two options: one to modify his or her traits, and one to force him or her to age up. After you alter things, you can do a "testingCheatsEnabled off" to disable the special commands if you so choose.
解決方式: 我並沒有自己親身碰過這個問題,(其實我有耶! 可是是因為點選了,但是忘了按"箭頭",至少是我認為應該是這個問題。) 除了在小孩變成青少年時。但是其他人有通報這個問題在每個年齡轉變都有。我從來沒有看過有吹熄生日蛋糕上的蠟燭的小人有這個問題。所以如果你每次小人在生 日時都幫他辦個派對吹蠟燭,可能就可以避免這個問題。
如 果你對於密技沒有什麼問題,你可以開啟密技視窗( CTRL + SHIFT + C),然後打 testingCheatsEnabled true),然後將游標點在你要做改變的小人上按 shift,就可以選擇 "Modify traits",這樣就可以將原本沒有選到的人格特性做修改喔!
BUG After buying a car for my family and setting the owner, the carpool still shows up for the Sim who owns the car! How do I stop this and have my Sim drive around in his own car?
問題: 家裏買了車子,也選擇了車子的主人。但是工作專車還是會出現。要怎麼讓小人開車去上班啊!
SOLUTION I believe this is actually by design. When you give the Sim an order to go somewhere other than work, he'll drive his car. Also, if you send him to work before the carpool arrives or after it leaves (and your Sim missed it for some reason), he will use his own car. Regardless, the carpool ALWAYS comes for your working Sims.
解決方式: 我相信這個其實是遊戲的設定。當你決定要小人去某處時(除了工作外),他會開車。如果你在專車來前或之後送小人去上班,他還是會開自己的車去上班喔! 但是無論如何,專車都還是會來接小人喔!
張貼留言 (Atom)
長生不老(aging off)會不會用於模擬市民3嗎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/18/2009 10:57:56]我記得在遊戲設定中就可以直接切掉變老的功能喔!
<p>...我發現 你好有心喔 還特地去買什麼(豆芽之類...)的東西</p>
回覆刪除<p>很貴嗎?那個算是攻略嗎?重點是 "它"是中文的嗎?</p>
[版主回覆06/18/2009 10:43:49]那是英文的!<br>因為我發現模3有很多有趣的內容,想說看攻略是否可以發現更多喔!<br>所以去買了! 沒有中文的呢!<br>而且自密密麻麻的! 看的有些辛苦!<img src=""/><br>
[版主回覆06/20/2009 18:03:22]<p>哈! 我是沒這個煩惱!</p>
<p>看到最後的問題, 開車子的問題... 我原本小人有2輛車子的, 新的放在車庫, 舊的放在另一個泊車的位置, 而2台車子都設定了擁有人為我的小人, 但是我點選了坐新的車子, 小人還是開舊的那台車... 不知道問題在那呢 =.=</p>
回覆刪除<p>我現在只好把1台車子放回家庭包包, 只用1個車庫和1台車... 難道, 我不可以有2台車子, 然後, 1天開新車, 1天開舊車嗎?</p>
<p> </p>
[版主回覆06/20/2009 18:54:31]<p>哈! 這個不知道耶! </p>
[版主回覆06/20/2009 18:55:14]<p>這個 bug 沒有看到耶!</p>
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/30/2009 16:24:23]那本 prima guide 其實不是 EA 的人出的。<br>是 prima guide 的人玩了後寫的。所以可能多少有些錯誤吧!<br>
<p>小人的鄰居會消失的bug不知道有沒解決方法呢<img src=""/></p>
[版主回覆06/30/2009 16:25:34]沒有聽說耶! 是真的不見嗎? 還是搬到別的地方去住了?<br>模3的故事模式就是我們在生活,NPC小人們也是喔!<br>
[版主回覆07/13/2009 14:19:29]好可怕喔! <br>我看過<a>夏日的夢</a>會這樣耶!<br>你去他的部落格看看,他有說為什麼喔!<br>
<p>姐姐~您沒有開留言板,那我只好在這發問= =</p>
<p>也有放在C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\CustomMusic裡,但聲音還是沒有出來</p>
回覆刪除<p><a href=""></a></p>